Let's Teach Dependence on GOD
Earlier i read a blog that really caught my attention. The blog author asked the question what are we teaching our daughters. The author then went on to say that we should teach our daughters to be wives and mothers instead of focusing on a career. i slightly disagree with this opinion. The apostle Paul talks about the gift of singleness in his epistle to the church at Corinth. He even speaks of his own life as a single man, dedicating his life to the work of preaching the Gospel, comparing himself to Peter. Everyone will not get married and have children. As a Christian young woman, i want to be a wife and a mother,and when the time comes, my family will be a top priority. However, i also know that i have been chosen by the Holy Spirit to do a marvelous work for the Lord. I believe it is the job of the parents to teach their children about God, His word, Son, and Spirit. The home and church is the foundation of Christian principles. However, I believe that all children should learn to depend on God, not man. If we teach our daughters to only be successful wives and mothers, what will they do if, God forbid, their husbands die, lose their job, or become disabled? I think we need to study the Proverbs 31 woman more closely. Especially verses 16. The virtuous wife was also a businesswoman and yet her husband was well respected (v.23) and he was still the head of their household. Yes, we need to teach our daughters to be godly wives and mothers, but let us not remember that they are individuals and they deserve to have their own identities ( and careers). i commend both the housewives and the working moms (and all true dads). I'm 23 and I've given my parents some headaches i'm sure, but I thank God for His saving Grace.
Hey, I saw your comment on Drink Deeper. I'm a new mom of a 10-mo son, so I've been thinking and reading a bit on what the most important lessons for children are, and I think you've struck pretty close to the mark. As parents, we should do our best to not only model Christlikeness, but to cause our children to pursue it. Beyond that, we all need to listen to God's calling in our lives. It is absolutely the truth that some women never get called to be wives or to be mothers, but whatever God is calling His people to do, He will prepare them for it.
God bless your re-entry to academia. My brother is doing likewise at U of Akron- are you in Canton, OH?
I send a big Amen to this blog. If we are able to teach our children to depend on God instead of man, then we can trust that He will direct their lives, in His time and in His way. And some of our daughters will be wives and mothers, while other daughters will tend orphans and the starving on mission fields. But all of them will do it all for Him. He's the one to tell us what His plans for us are all about. Keep writing! And thank you for your comment on my blog.
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