Friday, October 28, 2005

Life After Death

Heaven. When most people think about heaven we envision his wonderful place in the sky with streets paved with gold and wearing whote robes. But what is heaven and do we have to die before we can experience it?
Most times we think about dying only in the physical sense. but if we truly want to understand God, we must think on the level which He is- a spiritual level. Although we can never know all that He knows, His Holy Spirit allows us to see hings in a different light, perspective.
People often ask the question "Is there life after death?" the answer is simply "yes"! When we give our lives to Christ, we "die" and a "new life" begins for us. Thus, there is "life after death"! The real question is: do we want ot experience life now or later or if we want to experience it at all? Life does not truly begin until you surrender your old self to christ allowing life as you know it to "die". You do not have to wait until you physically die to experience Heaven. Heaven is at hand now. We only have to be open to a relationship with God and He will hand us the key to Heaven just as He promised in His Word. Am i making any sense ? I'm sure that i am making sense to those who are experiencing their own little peace of Heaven right now as they walk in the newness of God! Thank You, Lord!
Just as Nicodemus was confused about the "new birth" concept (John 3), there are those who are confused about the afterlife. Sure, you can wait until you physically stop living to "see" if there is life after we die or you can "die" now and live in the spirit andnot have to worry about whether you will have eternal life without any doubts! You can have Heaven now! Seek God and His righteousnes and all things shall be added unto you(Matthew 6:33)! Embrace a new life now!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


i know i haven't posted in a while. My classes and preparing for this book has really had me BUSY!BUSY!BUSY! but i will be blogging on a regular basis very soon. I hope that i can get some feed back on my book ideas. i finally stop allowing fear to control my life and i have stepped out with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). I am enjoying my classes and i'm getting more involved in my major. Truly God has set me in this place and time for a reason. So i follow His lead. I'll keep everyone posted on how things are going with the book.